BC Place and Whistler were both home to the first medals ceremony.
But waiting for the ceremony to start, there were cheers heard in the audience. A few seconds later, my mobile phone chirped with a twitter update: Canada won the first goal metal on home snow: Bilodeau in the men’s moguls at Cypress Mountain.
Once we got to the presentations, they alternated between BC Place and Whistler so no matter which locale you were at, you got to see all of the presentations.  The ceremony took longer than the scheduled time, though I’m not sure how they could have really sped it up.
Two Canadian medals were presented:
- Heil => Silver in Ladies Moguls
- Groves => Bronze in 3000m Speed Skating
Following the ceremony, Nelly Furtado jumped on stage. Her music was “Rock Concert” loud and that turned off an number of people who left thought her performance. Of course, the “mosh pit” was filled with die-hard fans. I knew a few of her songs.